With the Debunkum Beaver Pega How-to Guide series, you would have an arsenal of tools at your disposal. Whenever there is a new project, or a new feature required, all you have to do is just to pull out one of these guides.
Can you visualise a situation, where all similar features have the same way of implementation, with the same sequence of steps and number of rules; and anyone who looked at the rules knew exactly how and why each rule was implemented as such; any deviations and bugs that were introduced due to carelessness would simply stand out by itself, easily identifiable and easy to fix, wouldn't this be a wonderful Pega World?
Well, that is the core objective of the Debunkum Beaver Pega How-to Guide series
Why Create This "Installing and Testing AES" Pega How-to Guide?
Firstly, if you followed the instructions in Pega Community knowledgebase (KB) closely, it will not work, not to mention the lack of screenshots, making it extremely difficult to follow the instruction.
Secondly, the KB is not organised in a sequence that make sense in a real-life scenario. In a real-life scenario, after installation, you would want to configure it, followed by testing and validating the installation. To achieve that using Pega KB, you would need to search thorough and collate multiple documents, which is error prone and time consuming.
Lastly, the AES installation KB had been archived and is no longer being maintained, so an end-to-end guide is critical. For this guide, I had gone through the process of installing and testing AES, and presented all the relevant screenshots to you. At the same time, highlighting specific issues along with the instructions. This will make it easier for anyone who is interested to install and test AES, accomplish the task in a much faster and efficient way
Sample chapters available at: