So That You Might Hear Me
from $12.09

Disney's Cinderella Read-Along
from $4.59

Disney's Enchanted
from $23.49

Consolers Of The Lonely
from $15.52

Shithouse / O.S.T.
from $13.88

from $21.96

Planet P Project
from $14.28

Disney Cars: Read-Along
from $4.69

Vol. 41, Body & Soul: 17 Jazz Classics
from $20.54

Vol. 49, Sugar
from $18.30

Miles Davis: Eight Classic Jazz Originals
from $18.94

Play-A-Long Series, Vol. 125, Christmas Carol Classics: Jazz Takes a Holiday!
from $17.89

Morsefest 2017: The Testimony Of A Dream
from $39.93

Moment Of You
from $15.46

Bavota: Get Lost
from $16.43

Navarasa : Nine Emotions
from $17.28

Lovers, Sinners & Liars
from $19.09

from $16.98

Tonite Show
from $13.03

Keys Of Beauty: The Eversound Piano Collection
from $13.65
ThriftBooks Allows You To Pick Your Poison With Extensive CD And Vinyl Collection
Whether you are moved by the warm, nostalgic sounds of Otis Redding or the dramatic, heart-vibrating tones of Rachmaninoff, music is an essential part of life. It has the power to relax us, amp us up, and even take us to another place and another time.
The Magic Of Music
We tend to feel a particular kinship with the music of our youth. It's like we own it; it's ours. It doesn't matter if it's rock, country, or rap and hip hop. Much like the scent of baking cookies may take you back to grandma's house and pumpkin spice makes it feel like autumn, the right song can transport you anywhere you want to go.
Many people have a rock ballad that reminds them of a special person or a particular night. We can listen to Pantera to get ourselves jazzed up for a workout or Abbey Road to prepare for the day. Doing the dishes goes a lot faster while singing along to your favorite movie soundtrack.
Music can change emotions and attitudes with just the right piece. That's a lot of power.
Pick Your Poison
How do you like to listen to your music? CDs and vinyl records are still the most popular ways to reminisce and entertain. Sam Cooke on vinyl isn't the same Sam Cooke that you hear on a CD. Some people prefer one over the other and describe each as a completely different experience.
There is a reason why records of new music are still made today. The smell and feel of the record itself are almost as important as what is on it. The sound is just like we remember it and the memories respond in kind.
The easy convenience of a CD is what we are used to and already set up for. We can hold Ruben Blades's genius in our hands, and Bach is always ready to be put in the CD player. The clean and clear sound is what we know.
Do You Play?
Kudos to you if your talents lay in creating music. Sheet music, tablature, music books, and textbooks are all great to have around if you play or are learning to play.
Music of any kind is a universally emotional experience, and you can increase your emotional connection to a song by learning how to play it. Sheet music for classical tunes is sometimes plentiful, but sheet music for instrumental soundtracks has always been notoriously hard to find. You can find most of it now at the tip of your fingers.
Music At ThriftBooks
Do you remember going to the music store in the mall, thumbing through records and CDs for hours, and choosing selections based on a whim? You can do it again, from the convenience of your own home.
Are you looking for something international and worldly? Are you in the mood for a disco? Is there a soundtrack or album you have been trying to track down for years?
ThriftBooks offers much more than new and used books. Our music selection is extensive, and more obscure titles will be easy to find in our new and used CD and vinyl record collections. Check out our bestsellers, original cast recordings, and holiday tunes. Make new memories and preserve the old with ThriftBooks.