Book against book, friend against friend. This is ThriftBooks Novel Knockout! Beginning March 2 2019, 64 titles were put head to head in social media polls until the ultimate novel could be decided! From American Psycho to The Notebook, The Handmaid's Tale to Outlander, no book was safe! Check out our journey in the completed bracket below, and give your favorite books some love!
And the winner is...

regular / USED - Acceptable
The readers have spoken, Gryffindor wins the house cup! Harry has persevered and shown some true courage throughout this tournament, making his way through 5 rounds, against heavy hitters like Chronicles of Narnia and Fellowship of the Ring.

regular / USED - Acceptable
Coming in second place is William Golding's The Princess Bride! This book was a hit across Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram alike. Through humor, adventure, and let's be real, that #Westleycharm this book earned its spot!
Tied for third: The Tell-Tale Heart and To Kill a Mockingbird
These books were a part of the final four, and while they didn't make it to the finals they definitely played hard and through dedicated fan bases, and sheer staying power, they definitely earned those spots!

The Tell-Tale Heart / The Premature Burial
from $4.59

To Kill a Mockingbird
from $4.09
And below are the other 60 titles that competed in this year's tournament. They may not have won, but they played the game and we can respect that.
Unlucky in love
These romances may not have won their rounds, but they won our hearts.
Not our fantasy
These are the sci-fi and fantasy picks that weren't quite what our readers dreamed of.
Nightmare on ThriftBooks
These horror and thriller titles lived the nightmare of losing their rounds!
Back on the Shelf
These classics are sitting out the rest of the competition, but maybe you want to give them a shot!