Operator Advanced Machine Tool First Year MCQ is a simple e-Book for ITI & Engineering Course Operator Advanced Machine Tool First Year, Revised NSQF Syllabus, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about safety aspect related to the trade, basic fitting operations viz., making, filing, sawing, chiseling, drilling, tapping, grinding and sheet metal work. The practical also involves producing components by different turning and milling operations along with basic maintenance of machines. The practical training, it starts with operation of grinding machine and broad information on different special machines is provided. Followed by different advanced turning and milling machines operation with extensive coverage of different operations & manufacturing components viz., taper turning, eccentric turning, boring, screw thread, multi start thread, gang milling, splines & different gears. Further inspections of components using different instruments & gauges and testing geometrical accuracy of machines are conducted. and lots more.