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TravelThis book is a must read for anyone who has been touched by eating disorders! Dr. Jantz walks the reader through the pain and issues, always from a loving, compassionate- and relevant - Christian approach. The reader is guided to greater tools of healing and recovery through this book; the journal and "workbook" aspects of it alone, shine a much needed light of God's love and truth to the individual and to the disorder. It...
I am a minister that does counseling with individuals struggling with a variety of issues including eating disorders. Over and over again I find that the issues that Dr. Jantz address in this book are common among those I counsel. Especially the area of unforgiveness. I am convinced that unforgiveness is the #1 root of much mental illness, addictions, and emotional instability. I really appreciate Dr. Jantz's whole-person...
This book gave me hope and has started to Heal my wounds from the past. The questions written in the book that you ask yourself are tough and do bring up painful memories. However, this is how you begin to heal and learn to forgive so that you can be set free from Anger, Unforgiveness and Shame and guilt. You do what you do to cope for a reason and a way of escape. I praise God that he has blessed me with this book. I pray...
Ok..I have also read all the other books...I heard this one mentioned on "Focus on the Family"..and then went I went to my Doctor for my Bulimia it was suggested again.And I am so grateful...I have used it with my counselor and it is extremely helpful!
This book I am sure saved my life.I have read so many.It really did give Hope and a plan that worked for me.