"Where Are We Going?" addresses the reader of spiritually oriented literature. It also serves as an additional reference book for students of theology and history, and is a valuable guide for Sunday School teachers.
Three chapters are devoted to the short life of Jesus, and seven chapters address the high points of his teachings. It continues with the Fall of Rome, the Dark Ages and the rise of Islam.
Early English reformers demanded changes within the church. The voices became stronger and culminated which enflamed the Augustinian monk Martin Luther who vehemently protested against the sale of the indulgencies, the forgiveness of sins, issued by Pope Leo X.
A description of the historical background provides the reader with broader information pertaining to the issues and times in which the dramatic struggle between the Roman Catholic Church and the reformers took place.
The book closes with the Counter-Reformation conducted by the Roman Catholic Church during the years of 1543-1563.