The TimeOut Papers teach children how to respond to life's mistakes, how to grow their souls and receive awards for virtuous accomplishments.
Otherwise known as "the mistake papers," these succinct little writings are suitable for children aged four and up. They explain why a particular action carried out by a child was improper or sinful, provide a prayer to atone for the mistake with God, and offer suggestions as to what the child can do next to rectify the situation with their neighbor. Along with the little prayers asking God for help are corresponding scripture verses that offer hope and a path toward behavioral change.
The papers are designed to be read to the younger child within earshot of their older siblings and friends. There are writing exercises as well which sharpen children's writing skills as they absorb crucial moral and behavioral lessons.
The easy-to-use papers cover the full range of behaviors that every child needs to learn in order to become fully functioning members of the home and society at large. Categories include disrespecting parents, talking back, whining, swearing, lying, fighting, name-calling, bullying, slamming doors, complaining about going to church, gossiping, tattling, evading chores, not doing homework, and many more. The book is chock-full of instantly accessible solutions for the specific moral challenges and behavioral obstacles that all children face.
Parents and caregivers respond to a child's miscue with a simple, "You have earned a paper " This frees them from angry words and opens up a page of wisdom and prayer that turn potential heated exchanges into teaching moments with The Holy Spirit. Simply select the appropriate timeout paper from the table of contents and begin teaching from the handy little book that fits in your purse.
"Reward papers" are also included which can be photocopied and given to the child at meal time or bed time. Rewards provide important personal recognition of a virtue gained with a scripture that reinforces the richness of the particular virtue for the soul.
In addition, a one-page daily "Examine" teaches children how consider their days, evaluate their behaviors and deepen their interior lives so that they can live in Christ while finding happiness and fulfillment here on planet earth.
Finally, author Sally Follett provides parents and caregivers with colored instruction sheets that can be quickly understood and used for a lifetime of virtuous teaching. The papers have been written so that any Christian of any denomination will feel comfortable teaching with them. They reflect the gospel way of life and are suitable for church groups, parent groups and Christian school use.