New York is a city full of strangers. For NYPD detectives Turner and Marcinko, none are harder to figure out than the serial killer on the loose torturing and killing young women. In fact, right now, somewhere in the city, a woman is being held captive in a basement and it is up to the detectives to find her and the killer--before it's too late.
As pressure mounts on Turner and Marcinko, their prime suspect is screenwriter wannabe Marvin Waller. He is becoming increasingly frustrated by his lack of success and the cops think he might be channeling his anger into murder--but he doesn't seem to be at all concerned that they are hot on his trail. As Turner and Marcinko close in on Waller they have to wonder: is he the killer? And if he isn't--who is?
Fusing shifting viewpoints with a growing sense of dread and almost unbearable suspense, the UK's thriller master Stephen Leather arrives on the shores of the United States with The Basement, his most terrifying work to date.
Happy Read Across America Day! The official day is March 2, but we're making it a weeklong party with seven activities to celebrate our favorite pastime.
The ThriftBooks team has worked hard all year long to build a best-in-class shopping experience for our valued customers. To help you learn about what is new, and maximize the value you can have from, I’ve put together this list of “Holiday Hacks” for you to reference as you begin your holiday shopping.
Giving a book instead of a card at a baby shower is a new trend that creates a personal connection and embraces the love of reading. Browse ThriftBooks for discounted baby and kids’ books.
Many parents groan as their child picks the same book to read night after night. That one again? This behavior often continues into the teen years. We all had worn copies of favorites that we could practically recite from memory. With so many options available, why do kids gravitate toward the same books over and over?