Dr Zielgard has written FAITH. It is a baseball story involving Manuel, his magic bat and the world's series of 2008. Rosa Maman Tour de l'Isle is a sorceress that wishes the doctor dead because she blames him for being responsible for her daughter's death. Since the doctor died the day she announced and she claimed after the fact full responsibility for the deed, D.A. Ollie Devott accused the witch of murder one. She will be found guilty and executed ten years later.
Real estate agent Phil Leclerc finds the Faith manuscript into the Zielgard's house, send it to lawyer Morin that shows the piece to his friend Peter Artritis who works at Oracle publishing. Artritis will steal the material and publish it years later under his own name. Faith will prove a resounding success. Hollywood will make a movie out of it. Artritis will be invited to the David Letterman late show.
Meanwhile, Irma Sanchez will read FAITH and recognized herself, her mother and mother's boyfriend in the book. Enough for her to conclude Artritis can't have authored the tale. She gets herself invited in the show and will confront Artritis in front of an audience of million.