This is not just my story, it's YOUR STORY, too. Most of us spend a lifetime trying to find and assemble the missing pieces of our family puzzle. The pieces vary in color, size, and shape as they were created by generations that have gone before us. Your life did not start the day you were conceived. Before the first day of Creation, God orchestrated your life.When you look in the mirror or when a friend looks at you, do you see your mom or dad looking back? Your physical attributes show part of your generational inheritance, but your spiritual inheritance may be harder to discern. Did generations before you earn credentials in business or education or government? Did generations before you choose to follow Christ and perhaps pray for you as their offspring? No matter how old, those prayers are still active.On the flip side, is it possible that generations before you carried sin issues that you have had to deal with as well? Is there hope for new freedom for you?As you read these pages, may you be stirred to uncover your personal history in order to know who God intended you to be. My prayer is that any sin pattern you find will be cleansed by the blood of Jesus, and you will walk in fresh joy and freedom. As I went on an unexpected journey through my family tree uncovering the good, the bad, and the ugly, may God guide you on His path for your best. Enjoy my search for family "treasures hidden in darkness" (Isaiah 45:3) as I unpack it before your eyes. May you be encouraged to go on a treasure hunt yourself to LET GOD SHOW YOU WHO YOU REALLY ARE