There are times when life brings us to our knees. In that spiritual battle, we question Who is in charge, who is not, and what kind of circumstances exist to feed those issues. We run to God and share the problem, waiting for Him to fix it, provide direction, or sometimes both. In the quest for providence and direction, it can feel like our prayers are on repeat, like the constant begging of a small child.
Written by father and son team, Randy Weiss and Josh Weiss, Pray Fight Win isn't just a how-to manual for easy and quick success. Based on the edited transcripts from a television series called "Jesus, The Devil, and Prayer," much of the content comes from Randy's private, hand-written journals based on Bible studies. Randy and Josh delve into the parable of the persistent widow and the Lord's prayer to show both a model for persistence and for victory. With humor and compassion, Randy takes us through his own personal struggles and offers incredible insight on prayer, the war for control of our lives, and the need for perseverance.
In these pages, you will find depth, strength, solace, and encouragement in the words of Jesus and insights from a few battle-hardened saints who left some notes behind for you to follow on your own rugged path to victory. And a reminder of a merciful Judge who longs to move in the lives of His sons and daughters.