"The poems in this book are improvisations arising from contemplative readings of four chapters of the 1611 edition of the King James Bible-Matthew VI, Mark V, Luke XV and Luke X. Lectio Violant-'profane reading'-is the name I've coined to describe this process, alluding to Lectio Divina-'divine reading'-the long-established Catholic practice of devotional reading, the purpose of which is to draw the reader closer to God by enabling a fuller experience of scripture. I'm not sure this book's doing the same thing, although you never know." -Steve Ely
"Steve Ely is one of the most exhilarating poets currently working in the UK."
-Katy Evans Bush, Poetry International
"Ely's poetry is passionately political, positively partisan ... a major talent."
-Keith Richmond, Tribune
"Steve Ely has one of the strongest lines around, compounding scriptural weight and northern realism. He has also reclaimed history as poetry's subject."
-Peter Riley, Fortnightly Review
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3 - 5 Years