"Just as each of us experiences temptation and hardship in life, every son or daughter of God, no matter how worthy or faithful, may expect to have their faith and testimony tested during their mortal journey. When we or someone we love is wrestling with questions and concerns about the restored gospel, we need to know that wrestle is a very normal part of our journey of faith. The question is not whether moments of doubt will potentially arise. The question is what we will do and where we will turn when they do arise." - The Faithful Experience Doubt, "Look Unto Me In Every Thought" - Jakob R. Jones
As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, many of us have had experiences where we've felt the Holy Ghost bear witness to our hearts and minds that the restored gospel is true. Those impressions from the Spirit often come in ways that are hard to forget or ignore. Yet even with those spiritual experiences there can be moments where our testimony of the restored gospel is tested, and we may feel uncertain about the things we once knew to be true.
How do we find answers to our questions? What do we do when those witnesses from the Spirit we've received now feel faint and unsure and all we can feel at the present is fear and disbelief?
Our Savior, Jesus Christ, taught us where to look when these moments arise. "Look unto me in every thought", he said, "doubt not, fear not." (Doctrine and Covenants 6:36).
In "LOOK UNTO ME IN EVERY THOUGHT - Rescued from the Storms of Doubt", Latter-day Saint author Jakob R. Jones presents 10 principles by which we can look to Christ in our moments of doubt and receive answers to our questions. Come learn from the experiences of members who have followed these principles and thereby found their way through the darkness of doubt and emerged with brighter testimony, faith, hope, happiness, joy, and a closeness to our Savior Jesus Christ beyond that which they had before their trial of faith.
Jakob R. Jones is a Latter-day saint and author of the book, "Look Unto Me In Every Thought: Rescued from the Storms of Doubt" as well as several published Ensign and Liahona magazine articles including "Gathered Together In My Name" (2016), "Doubt Not, but Be Believing" (2019), and "Receive the Gift" (2020).