We are all born with the same value in life. Not one of us is more important than another. However, sometimes we face circumstances that come to challenge our belief in who we really are. We can believe the lies that say we aren't good enough and have less value than someone else we see in our life, or we can choose to silence those lies and not let our circumstances define us.
Beautiful Mess (which changes to Beautiful Me) happened when I let God show me how the tragedies and trials of my life could be changed to triumph and testimony if I would allow Him to show me the true me. The enemy knows that if we question our identity or our worth in life, then we will not live out our God-given purpose--our reason for being created. It is easy to reject ourselves if we get caught in circumstances. That is why it is a journey of loving who God actually made us to be rather than what any person or broken dream or even our own broken heart tells us we are. God sees us as beautiful.
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