1 Alexander I. Suciu: Around the tangent Cone Theorem.- 2 Graham Denham: Higher Resonance Varieties of Matroids.- 3 Nicole Berline and Mich?le Vergne: Local asymptotic Euler-Maclaurin Expansion for Riemann Sums over a semi-rational Polyhedron.- 4 Andrzej Weber: Leray spectral Sequence for Complements of certain Arrangements of smooth Submanifolds.- 5 Sergey Yuzvinsky: Higher topological Complexity of Artin Type Groups.- 6 Armindo Costa and Michael Farber: Random simplicial Complexes.- 7 Dmitry N. Kozlov: Combinatorial Topology of the standard chromatic Subdivision and Weak Symmetry Breaking for 6 Processes.- 8 Emanuele Delucchi and Tim Lindemann: Cryptomorphisms for abstract Rigidity Matroids.- 9 Jeremiah Bartz: Induced and complete Multinets.- 10 Alexandru Dimca and Gus Lehrer: Cohomology of the Milnor Fibre of a Hyperplane Arrangement with Symmetry.- 11 Mario Salvetti and Matteo Serventi: On the twisted Cohomology of a_ne Line Arrangements.- 12 Elizabeth Leyton Chisholm and Jon McCammond: Braid Groups and euclidean Simplices.- 13 Rita Jim?nez Rolland: The Cohomology of M0, n as an FI-module.- 14 Matthias Franz: Syzygies in equivariant Cohomology for non-abelian Lie Groups.- 15 Frederick R. Cohen and Mentor Stafa: A Survey on Spaces of Homomorphisms to Lie Groups.