Actuation of Elastomeric Micro Devices via Capillary Forces.- MEMS Accelerometers: Testing and Practical Approach for Smart Sensing and Machinery Diagnostics.- Highlights in Mechatronic Design Approaches.- Microrobots for Active Object Manipulation.- Integrating Smart Mobile Devices for Immersive Interaction and Control of Physical Systems: A Cyber-Physical Approach.- Force/Tactile Sensors based on Optoelectronic Technology for Manipulation and Physical Human-Robot Interaction.- Mechanical Characterization of MEMS.- Basic Theory and Modelling of Marmot-Like Robot for Mine Safety Detection and Rescuing.- Reconfigurable Robot Manipulators: Adaptation, Control and MEMS Applications.- MEMS Sensors and Actuators.- Soot Load Sensing in a Diesel Particulate Filter based on Electrical Capacitance Tomography.- Microfluidic Platforms for Bio-Applications.- Recent Advances in Mechatronics Devices: Screening and Rehabilitation Devices for Autism Spectrum Disorder.- Electrochemically Derived Oxide Nanoform based Gas Sensor Devices: Challenges and Prospects with MEMS Integration.- Minimally Invasive Medical Devices and Healthcare Devices using Microfabrication Technology.- Flexible Electronic Devices for Biomedical Applications.- MEMS Devices in Agriculture.- MEMS Pressure-Flow-Temperature (PQT) Sensor for Hydraulic Systems.- Vibrating Nanoneedle for Single Cell Wall Cutting.- A Robotic Percussive Riveting System for Aircraft Assembly Automation.- Photo-Induced Fabrication Technology for 3D Micro Devices.- Long-Range Nano-Scanning Devices based on Optical Sensing Technology.- Microfluidics for Mass Measurement of Miniature Object like Single Cell and Single Micro Particle.- Micromanipulation Tools.- Inertial Microfluidics: Mechanisms and Applications.- Force Sensing for Micro/Meso Milling.- Magnetically-driven Microrobotics for Micromanipulation and Biomedical Applications.- Design, Fabrication and Robust Control of Miniaturized Optical Image Stabilizers.- Biofeedback Technologies for Wireless Body Area Networks.- Inverse Adaptive Controller Design for Magnetostrictive-actuated Dynamic Systems.