Real life doesn't end at Happily ever after. What happens next is the ultimate test of true love.
It's no secret that Elizabeth Darby hates surprises, and after years of infertility, the news of her unexpected pregnancy should have her changing her tune. Except, she's already had one happy ending, two would be pushing her luck. But, if she learned one thing over the past year, it's that God's plans are better than her own. Now, if she could just learn how exactly one is supposed to stand firm in their faith.
Through thick and thin, William always felt that God loved him and cared for his needs. But, now there's the added pressure of providing for his family. And he senses an approaching storm that is certain to knock the wind from his sails.
How will God help these two navigate the rough seas ahead? What will it take to learn this little blue planet is not their home? It's just A Rest Upon the Way.