- 100 Wonders of the World
- Hotspots Revisited: Earth's Biologically Richest and Most Endangered Terrestrial Ecoregions
- 100 Maravillas del mundo /100 Wonders of the World
- Cognitive, Conative and Behavioral Neurology: An Evolutionary Perspective
- Die Entstehung Von Ordnung: Zur Bestimmung Von Sein, Erkennen Und Handeln in Der Spateren Philosophie Platons
- Time-Life Books
- Nancy E. Krulik
- Lauren Oliver
- Catherine Hapka
- Life Magazine
- Michelle Moran
- Laini Taylor
- Lisa Ann Marsoli
- Leatrice Eiseman
- Harry N. Abrams Inc.
- Birnbaum Travel Guides
- Nathan Robert Brown
- Valerie Childs
- David Wheeler
- Leonard Schwarz
- Dawn Bently
- Jeanne Fleming
- Life Books
- Alexander Krings
- Rosalyn Landor