Looking for your next summer read? Look no further. You can be sure you're getting a good read with these individual recommendations from the ThriftBooks staff. Who knows more about books than ThriftBooks?

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Chosen by Danielle
"Currently, I'm anxiously awaiting the rest of the 'Polin' season of Bridgerton, but I'm also hyped for Benedict's long-awaited storyline! So, of course, my top book recommendation is An Offer from a Gentleman by Julia Quinn. It's the perfect blend of Cinderella reimagined and classic slow-burn regency romance. Trust me, it's the ultimate summer read."About Danielle: An Account Manager at ThriftBooks whose passion is books. When she's not lost in a story, you'll find Danielle cozied up with her three huskies and husband, diving into the latest binge-worthy TV series. She is a serial book collector of all genres whose favorite authors are Jenny Lawson, Neil Gaiman, and Garth Nix.

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Chosen by Jenna
"This book is about a young girl who is kidnapped and held in a cellar with 3 other girls. They protect and look after each other and the ultimate goal is escape from their captor!"About Jenna: A fantasy and suspense/mystery lover who works on our award-winning customer service team!

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Chosen by Alexis
"This book took me by huge surprise. Think Uptown Girls, but instead of a vindictive mother there's a loving father who wants the best for his little girl, and he meets a woman who has hit financial rock bottom. This book is hilarious, and the relationships that blossom between not just the two main characters (you will not be disappointed with the spice!), but the daughter as well bring so much love. All I'm saying is, don't judge a book by its cover."About Alexis: A huge reader who tries to branch into different territories, Alexis enjoys books that have plenty of banter, laughs, mystery and spice, mainly fantasy and dark romance. Alexis is a member of the ThriftBooks customer service team.

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Chosen by Mindy
"Final Girls is a quick read that surprises you with a wild twist! It had me enthralled from start to finish!"About Mindy: Mindy is a ThriftBooks processing center second-shift shipping lead who loves horror, fantasy, romance, and thrillers.

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Chosen by Ken
"This book gets to the heart of 'playing baseball for the love of the game' as the subtitle notes. It looks at the big leagues through the eyes of, perhaps, the least glamorous position on the team over two decades and multiple team trades. As you read it, you stop asking why someone endures this challenging role and come to understand what being part of a team and playing with heart truly means."About Ken: CEO of ThriftBooks, Ken is a career technology executive who moonlights as a novelist and loves the written word on par with watching team members thrive in achieving their best.

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Chosen by Alexis
"A story clencher and nail bitter. It's a great read that will have you flipping faster and faster, page after page. No matter the time period, a good love story always exists."About Alexis: A second-shift trainer at our Dallas processing center.

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Chosen by Denise
"Exciting, post-apocalyptic, highly futuristic, based scarily too well on trends of current technology, with intriguing twists, and addicting characters. You'll love it if you enjoyed Black Mirror."About Denise: ThriftBooks Chicago's weekend shipping lead is a lifelong, avid reader, who especially enjoys sci-fi and high fantasy. Denise's favorite series include Red Rising and T.A. Barron's Merlin novels.

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Chosen by Allison
"There's something deeply unsettling about the descriptions of the gorillas' vocalizations in the book. This novel is spine-chillingly good."About Allison: Accounting Specialist Allison is a mom of one rowdy toddler, and she loves reading sci-fi horror (or just regular horror).

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Chosen by Salena
"A Court of Thorns and Roses + dragons + fae assassins = Lady of Darkness. I shan't say anymore than that. This is a completed series, that I promise you will binge read for weeeekkkkss. Utter perfection. "About Salena: A reader from a very young age, Salena's love for the fantasy realm started with Eragon, City of Bones, and Hush Hush! These three series opened a floodgate to all the great books that can pull you into another world! While she does loveeeee a good mystery book or thriller, Salena's heart will always be with the dragons. Salena is a representative on our award-winning customer service team.

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Chosen by Olivia
"This book inspires the reader to see with the heart, as opposed to your eyes. To love the soul, not the sight."About Olivia: Olivia loves to read books that can leave a mark on your heart, allow the mind to soar, open your eyes to the unseen and leave you feeling better. It helps if you can get a good chuckle out of it too! Olivia is one of our award-winning customer service representatives.

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Chosen by Erica
"I can't say I would've done what the characters in this book did, but I've also never been stranded in an amusement park for 5 weeks before."About Erica: Regional trainer Erica is a pyrography artist who enjoys reading horror novels by indie writers.
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