There's a story behind every farewell. In Three Viewings, award-winning playwright Jeffrey Hatcher explores love, money, and loss in a trio of mordantly witty narratives.
In a small-town funeral parlor, three stories portray the extent to which we all hold on to memories, money, life, and love.
Tell-Tale is Emil, a mild-mannered undertaker burning with unspoken passion for a local realtor who frequents his funerals. Emil plots to confess his true feelings before time (and bodies) run out.
The Thief of Tears is Mac, an LA drifter who makes her living stealing jewelry from corpses. When her wealthy grandmother dies, Mac returns to her hometown to pry loose her inheritance, a diamond ring the grandmother promised her when she was a child.
Thirteen Things About Ed Carpolotti is Virginia, the widow of a wheeler-dealer contractor who discovers just how her husband Ed has been doing business. The resolution, reminiscent of O. Henry, is inspired and deeply moving.