Lucky for the reader, all the new modes and minors were based off the C scale. Everything started with C, so I had a good time transcibing the patterns for each new mode and minor scale into digestable patterns that I could play up and down the neck. I usually start off with the first note on my fret board on the top string - usually F or F#. Then I start a pattern. From there, I create a new pattern - usually three or four...
On the first day of the first lesson, my instructor gave me a photocopied page with the "CAGED" system on it. When I asked where this came from, he showed me this book. I went out and bought it and never looked back. It isn't a book for absolute beginners BUT the CAGED system is by far - in my not-so-humble opinon - the BEST way to learn scales and modes as they focus on the way the guitar is laid out as well as giving you...
There are countless numbers of scale books out there, and some are much more informative than others. For example, a scale book might boast "Learn 36 scales" on the front cover, but when you open it, it's just the same major, minor or pentatonic scale pattern transcribed to each of the 12 keys! That's really only THREE scales, not 36. Ron Middlebrook's book, however, does in fact show you the patterns for many, many different...