First, I'm shocked that this book got any negative reviews. Had I read those reviews before I picked up this book I probably wouldn't have read it, and that would have been quite a shame. This is a heart-wrenching tale of a family of adult children who are at war with each other. That war was brought on by tragedy. These were all good people who just couldn't seem to connect anymore. Hence the matriarch of the family, Annette...
This was the first Belva Plain book I read and it was great. I loved the the entire plot. It was very true to life. All of the women in this book are very strong and to be admired. Annette was a very lovable character who brought her children together in a kind of sneaky way but for all the right reasons. I admired the daughter, Cynthia for the way she carried on after all of the tragedies in her life. This was a wonderful...
O.k., maybe a little predictable, but you still want to see if and how she pulls it off! An interesting story of a family having faced major, extremely life-altering situations along with petty indifferences and prejudices. Very moving at times and definitely a human story. A very good story of family dynamics.
This story is particularly meaningful if you have relatives that are at odds with one another - and who doesn't. The matriarch, Annette, finds a way to bring everyone together, but only a near tragedy can open communication and help form bonds. It is a very realistic description of a family and a story most people could relate to. This is a book you can read easily in one sitting. I got an autographed copy from my son...
I really enjoyed Belva Plain's book, HOMECOMING. Especially with the holidays coming round the bend once again. The rural winter NY setting makes you happy to curl up and read this GET THE FAMILY BACK TOGETHER TALE. Anyone who enjoyed this story will love another book I just read, WHILE THE MOON LOOKED UP TO HEAVEN, by Terry Stellini.(This adventure takes you to a monastery(for ADVENT) on a hill just south of Rome. What...