Go ahead—embrace the dark side. Take a walk through the deepest recesses of the minds of real-life killers, mobsters, and crooks this Halloween season. From Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy to John Gotti, there's no denying that sometimes real life is scarier than any fictional world of terror. For good measure, we've added in some "true" tales of ghosts and hauntings inside prisons, homes, nightclubs, and more. Judge for yourself whether they belong is the realm of reality or fiction.
Once you're done with the real-life tales of terror on this page, get more spine-tingling Thrills & Chills, including Sweet Scares for the kids, blood-curdling Dark Fantasy reads, and of course the forever-classic Horror.
Dead Space
Take a Walk with a Killer
Hit Man
Nobody Crimes Like the Mob
No Honor Among Crooks and Thieves
Dark Souls
Turn Off the Lights and Experience Ghostly Terror
Bring the Nightmare Home with Fun & Games