- Catalogue of bulbous and tuberous rooted flowers, of the most choice and splendid varieties: cultivated at the Linn©an Botanic Garden and Nurseries, Flushing, near New-York
- Annual catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees and plants cultivated at the Linn©an Botanic Garden and Nurseries
- Wholesale catalogue of American trees, shrubs, plants, and seeds, cultivated and for sale at the Linn©an Botanic Garden and nurseries, near New-York
- Periodical catalogue of greenhouse shrubs, vines, herbaceous plants, and bulbous roots: cultivated and for sale at the Linn©an Botanic Garden, Flushing, near New-York
- Prince's Select Catalogue of the Unrivaled Collection of Fruit & Ornamental Trees and Shrubs, Vines, Creepers, P(c)onies, &c.: Cultivated at the Linn(c)an Botanic Garden & Nurseries (founded 1732), Fl