- The Police Of France Or An Account Of The Laws And Regulations Established In That Kingdom: For The Preservation Of Peace, And The Preventing Robberies
- The laws and policy of England, relating to trade, examined by the maxims and principles of trade in general; and by the laws and policy of other ... of the treatise on The police of France, &c.
- An account of the southern maritime provinces of France; representing the distress to which they were reduced at the conclusion of the war in 1748: ... on ... Aix, Marseilles, and Toulon
- The Method and Rule of Proceeding Upon All Elections, Polls and Scrutinies, at Common Halls and Wardmotes, Within the City of London. with Additional Notes [&c.] by H.K.S. Causton
- The Police of France; or, An Account of the Laws and Regulations Established in That Kingdom, for Th