- The Manner and Solemnitie of the Coronation of ... Charles the Second, at Manchester, 1661, by W. Heawood. Also, the Celebration of the Coronation of ... King George Iii. and Queen Charlotte, at Manch
- The Manner and Solemnitie of the Coronation of ... Charles the Second, at Manchester, 1661, by W. Heawood. Also, the Celebration of the Coronation of ... King George Iii. and Queen Charlotte, at Manch
- The Manner and Solemnitie of the Coronation of ... Charles the Second, at Manchester, 1661, by W. Heawood. Also, the Celebration of the Coronation of
- The Manner and Solemnitie of the Coronation of ... Charles the Second, at Manchester, 1661, by W. Heawood. Also, the Celebration of the Coronation of ... [Extr. From Harrop's Manchester Mercury. Fo