- An admonition to youth. A funeral-sermon occasion'd by the much lamented death of Mr. Philip Cornish, of Biddeford, in the county of Devon; who deceas'd Feb. 4. 1714. By William Bartlet.
- The power of violence and resolution, when apply'd to religion. A sermon preach'd at the morning lecture in Exon, on Thursday Sept. 9. 1714. By William Bartlet.
- Barnabas's character and success. A sermon preach'd at Exon, May the 9th. 1716. before an assembly of the united ministers of Devon and Cornwal. ... By William Bartlet.
- The Passover Consider'd And Improv'd, In A Sacramental Discourse: With A Sermon On Life's Weary Pilgrimage. By The Late Reverend Mr. William Bartlet, Of Biddeford