- The Romance of war Inventions; a Description of Warships, Guns, Tanks, Rifles, Bombs, and Other Instruments and Munitions of Warfare, how They Were Invented & how They are Employed
- Marvels of Scientific Invention; An Interesting Account in Non-Technical Language of the Invention of Guns, Torpedoes, Submarine Mines, Up-to-Date Smelting, Freezing, Colour Photography, and Many Othe
- The Romance of Submarine Engineering: Containing Interesting Descriptions in Nontechnical Language of the Construction of Submarine Boats, the Salving ... of Breakwaters and Docks, and Many Other F
- The Romance of war Inventions; a Description of Warships, Guns, Tanks, Rifles, Bombs, and Other Instruments and Munitions of Warfare, how They Were Invented & how They are Employed
- The Romance of Modern Railways; the Story of Mechanical Locomotion, With a Description of the Construction & Working of the Most Up-to-date Inventions, Appliances and Devices for Securing Speed, Facil