- The potter and the clay: Meditations on spiritual growth
- The Learning Congregation: A New Vision of Leadership
- Faithful Leadership: Learning to Lead With Power
- Faithful Guides: Coaching Strategies for Church Leaders
- Loving God With All Your Mind: Equipping the Community of Faith for Theological Thinking
- Margaret J. Wheatley
- Ronald Rolheiser
- Judson Poling
- Matthew Linn
- Laurie Pederson
- Kevin Springer
- Sheila Fabricant Linn
- Dennis Linn
- Lynn Anderson
- James W. Fowler
- Leigh Keno
- Leslie Keno
- R. Douglas Geivett
- Wilkie Au
- William E. Diehl
- Noreen Cannon
- Jane E. Regan
- Catherine M. Harmer
- Joan Barzilay Freund
- Walter J. Gaffney