Love Drug Connections and Other Stories: Short Humor Fiction for Adults
"Hot Tub Powwow" and Other Stories: Four Suspense Genre Novellas
To The Rescue: A Novel
"Family Fake-Out" and Other Stories: Four Suspense Genre Novellas
Dear Esteemed Customer Letters, Volume One
Dirty Nests: A Literally Crappy Flimflam Story
Hell Hath Frozen Over
Santa's Elf Hall of Fame: Classic Achievement Elves
The Glory of St. Ebans
Santa's Elf Hall of Fame II: Contemporary Achievement Elves
Sloppy Copy: Episodes 01-04: A TV Magazine Show That Colors Outside The Lines
Out of Stock
Down the Chimney They Came: A Holiday Season Novel
Another Day In Surpryze Park and Four Other (Almost) No Talk Stories
Two Cons, Some Clowns, and a Cop: A Farce