Books of Enoch Collection
Ugaritic Texts: Ba'al Cycle
Books of Metatron Collection
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Septuagint - History, Volume 2
Words of Ahikar
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Septuagint - Psalms and the Prayer of Manasseh
Septuagint - Ezra
Apocalypses of Ezra
Septuagint - Esther
Septuagint: Joshua (Septuagint: History)
Septuagint: Judges and Ruth
Septuagint's Ezekiel and the Ba'al Cycle
Septuagint: Exodus
Septuagint - Cosmic Genesis
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Septuagint: Esther
Septuagint: Judith
Secrets of Enoch
Dodeka: Book of the Prophets
Testaments of the Patriarchs Collection
Enoch and Metatron Collection