- The duty of a people, to lay to heart and lament the death of a good king. A sermon preach'd August 20th. 1727. The Lord's-Day after the sorrowful ... of our late King George I. of blessed memory.
- A day of darkness. A sermon preach'd before His Excellency William Shirley, Esq; the Honorable His Majesty's Council, and House of Representatives, of ... in New-England: May 28th. 1755.
- The Christian Triumphing Over Death Through Christ: A Sermon Preached November 10, 1765, at the Second Church of Christ in Boston, Upon a Mournful Occasion: Published with Some Enlargements
- Diary of the Rev. Samuel Checkley, 1735 Volume 1
- Diary of the Rev. Samuel Checkley, 1735; Volume 2