Forms: Interactivity for the World Wide Web
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On Mr. Spencer's Formula of Evolution as an Exhaustive Statement of the Changes of the Universe
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On Mr. Spencer's Unification of Knowledge
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Lingala: Grammar and dictionary : English-Lingala, Lingala-English
On Mr. Spencer's Formula of Evolution
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Linguistic Survey of the Northern Bantu Borderland: Volume One
The Classification of the Bantu Languages Bound with Bantu Word Division
The Bantu Languages of Western Equatorial Africa: Handbook of African Languages
Collected Papers on Bantu Linguistics
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The Causational And Free Will Theories Of Volition: Being A Review Of Dr. Carpenter's Mental Physiology
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On Mr. Spencer's Data of Ethics
On Mr. Spencer's Formula of Evolution as an Exhaustive Statement of the Changes of the Universe, Followed by a Resume of the Most Important Criticisms of Spencer's First Principles
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On Mr. Spencer's Formula of Evolution as an Exhaustive Statement of the Changes of the Universe, Followed by a Resum� of the Most Important Criticisms of Spencer's First Principles
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The Bantu Languages of Western Equatorial Africa: Handbook of African Languages
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Zu Mr. Spencers ethischen Daten (German Edition)
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Sur les données éthiques de M. Spencer (French Edition)
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