Fairy-Tales Come True: Searching for life's meaning and true love
O Lubvi
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Skazki, Kotorie Sbivayutsa: Fairy-Tales, That Come True, in Russian
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Kreschenie Dojdyom: I Drugie Rasskazi
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Esli VI Ne Bivali V Sverdlovske: Vospominania O 70-H
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Baptism by Rain: and other stories
Одесса - любовь моя! И другие рассказы
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Voskhodit Zvezda Ot Iakova: Dialogi O Vere. S Luboviu K Narodu Bozh'Emu Israilu
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Uragani Zhizni: Rasskazi I Vospominaniya OB Uraganah Prirodi, Uraganah Sobitij, Uraganah Dushi
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Neslepaya Vera: Rasskazi, Pisma, Statji, Perevodi
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