L'infanzia è il raccolto della società (Italian Edition)
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A infância é a colheita da sociedade (Portuguese Edition)
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Childhood is society's harvest
Die Kindheit ist die Ernte der Gesellschaft (German Edition)
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Les Bougies du succès
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Un vieil homme à l'étranger
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Entschlossene Menschen (German Edition)
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Determined people
Pessoas determinadas (Portuguese Edition)
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Persone determinate (Italian Edition)
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Toleranz ist der Garten des Friedens: Es gibt keine Liebe ohne Toleranz (German Edition)
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La tolleranza è il giardino della pace: Non c'è amore senza tolleranza (Italian Edition)
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A tolerância é o jardim da paz: Não há amor sem tolerância (Portuguese Edition)
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Tolerance is the garden of peace: There is no love without tolerance