- Reclaiming Youth at Risk: Our Hope for the Future
- Reclaiming Youth at Risk: Futures of Promise (Reach Alienated Youth and Break the Conflict Cycle Using the Circle of Courage)
- Positive Peer Culture (Modern Applications of Social Work)
- The Other 23 Hours: Child-Care Work with Emotionally Disturbed Children in a Therapeutic Milieu
- Reclaiming Our Prodigal Sons and Daughters: A Practical Approach for Connecting with Youth in Conflict
- Martin Brokenleg
- Shannon Harris
- Grace Galliano
- Curtis O. Byer
- Tim Tucker
- Julie Marie Carrier
- Jay Kumar
- Setha M. Low
- Laura Szabo-Cohen
- Louis W. Shainberg
- Martha Polovich
- John Grant
- Louis Shainberg
- Chad Smith
- Leslie Roberts
- Otto F. Wahl
- Larry W. Virden
- Education Department of Western Australi
- Mia Birk
- Judy Goss