- A defence of The account, &c. in answer to Mr. Peirce's Defence of the case, &c.
- A vindication of Mr. Trosse from the charge of uncharitableness: proving, by ten arguments, ... that the doctrine of the Trinity, and true deity of ... discourse ... By Josiah Eveleigh, ...
- An account of the reasons why many citizens of Exon have withdrawn from the ministry of Mr. Jos. Hallet and Mr. James Peirce. Being an answer to Mr. ... of the committee. The second edition.
- A defence of The account, &c. in answer to Mr. Peirce's Defence of the case, &c. Publish'd by direction of the committee. The second edition, corrected.
- A sober reply to Mr. Peirce's angry and scornful letter. By Josiah Eveleigh, ... In a letter to a minister in London.