- The modern law of real property: with an appendix containing the Vendor and Purchaser Act 1874, the Conveyancing Acts 1881 to 1892, the Settled Land ... and 1893, the Trustee Act 1893, ss. 10-12.
- On searches: containing a concise treatise on the law of judgments, crown debts, executions, lis pendens, bankruptcy, insolvency, annuities, and ... Elphinstone and James William Clark.
- Patterns for Turning: Comprising Elliptical and Other Figures Cut On the Lathe Without the Use of Any Ornamental Chuck
- Speech of Howard Elphinstone, D.C.L., M.P. for Lewes, in the House of Commons, on Friday, April 28, 1843: on the second reading of the Ecclesiastical Courts bill.
- A practical introduction to conveyancing: containing the substance of two courses of lectures delivered before the Incorporated Law Society, revised ... 1881, 1882, the Settled Land Act, 1882, and