In Our Days: A Song Of Hope In Times Of Woes
Metaphysical Melodies: Immaculacy Sung
A Short History Of Walking Sticks: Songs On Shadows
Faces of Life: Volume 5
Faces of Life: Volume 7
Faces of Life: Volume 8
On Liberty: Verses on freedom in democracy
Faces of Life: Volume 9
Faces of Life: Volume 12
Mind Games 3: Consciousness Versified
Mind Games 4: Consciousness Versified
Fascists Amok 7: Songs on saving our world
Mind Games 5: Consciousness Versified
Fascists Amok 11: Songs on saving our world
Fascists Amok 12: Songs on saving our world
Mind Games 8: Consciousness Versified
Mind Games 7: Consciousness Versified
Mind Games 10: Consciousness Versified
Mind Games 12: Consciousness Versified
Games Minds Play: Airing Consciousness
Mind Explored 1: Consciousness in Songs
Mind Explored 2: Consciousness in Songs
Mind Explored 3: Consciousness in Songs
Mind Explored 5: Consciousness in Songs
Mind Explored 6: Consciousness in Songs
Songs of Freedom 2
Songs of Freedom 4
Mind Explored 7: Consciousness in Songs
Mind Explored 8: Consciousness in Songs
Songs of Freedom 8