The Grasshopper and the Ants: (Aesop's Fable in Rhyme)
The Giant and the Shepherd Boy: Bible Story in Rhyme
Debbie the Dove and the Olive Branch: Bible Story in Rhyme
The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse: Aesop's Fable in Rhyme
The Three Rulers and the Fiery Furnace: Bible Story in Rhyme
Joshua and Jericho Town: Bible Story in Rhyme
The Angel Who Lit The Christmas Star: Bible Stories in Rhyme
The Fox and the Crow: (Aesop's Fable in Rhyme)
The Whale With No Name: Bible Story in Rhyme
Daniel and the Hungry Lions: Bible Story in Rhyme
The Strong Man With Long Hair: Bible Story in Rhyme
The Owl and the Birds: Aesop's Fable in Rhyme
The Mice in Council / The Donkey and the Lapdog: Aesop's Fables in Ry\hyme
The Growth of the United States of America and It's Constitution
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