- Early Medieval Art in the British Museum
- Israeli Mosaics of the Byzantine Period. Introduction by Ernst Kitzinger [A Mentor-Unesco Art Book]
- Byzantine Art in the Making: Main Lines of Stylistic Development in Mediterranean Art, 3rd-7th Century (Harvard Paperbacks)
- Studies in Late Antique Byzantine and Medieval Western Art
- Studies in Late Antique, Byzantine and Medieval Western Art, Volume 2: Studies in Medieval Western Art and the Art of Norman Sicily
- George Sand
- Martha Freeman
- Christopher Maynard
- Philip Ziegler
- Linda Ashman
- Paul J. Zelanski
- George Arthur Holmes
- Anthony F. Janson
- Annette Wolter
- Jiří Louda
- Michael Maclagan
- A. Wolter
- Terence Wise
- Julian Franklyn
- Marilyn Conover Barker
- Michel Pastoureau
- Arno Borst
- Lynne Elliott
- Henry Pasten-Bedingfeld
- John J. Crimmins