- A Course of Lectures, on the Prophecies That Remain to Be Fulfilled: Delivered in the Borough of Southwark, as Also at the Chapel in Glass-House Yard, in the Years MDCCLXXXVII, IX, XC; Volume 1
- Ten Sermons on Various Subjects
- A Course of Lectures, on the Prophecies That Remain to Be Fulfilled: Delivered in the Borough of Southwark, as Also at the Chapel in Glass-house Yard, in the Years MDCCLXXXVII, IX, XC; Volume 2
- The Universal Restoration. Exhibited in Four Dialogues Between a Minister and His Friend ... Chiefly Designed Fully to State, and Fairly to Answer the ... Are Brought Against It, From the Scriptures
- The Works and Words of Jesus: Christ; or, What He Did, and Taught, During His Abode on Earth.; As Recorded by the Evangelists.: Containing, in ... With Some Brief Remarks Upon Each; of The...