- she believed she could so she did: Yellow funny Planner, monthly / Weekly planner organizer, 8x10 in, 1 january 2020 to 3 January 2021, to-do lists+ Notes+ Goals for the Year,12 month and 52 week diar
- 2020 Weekly / Monthly Planner: Awesome Gradient Planner (1 Jan 2020 to 3 Jan 2021) Weekly and Monthly planning Calendar + Full Calendar view + To Do Lists + Notes, 8x10, Gradient ROSE QUARTZ to SERENI
- Floral Mandala: Monthly and Weekly Planner organizer / Personal Agenda, 8x10, 12 month planner, 52 week diary, large monthly organizer / Calendar Views+ Notes + to do lists for tired-ass women / men,
- Mandala Planner: Monthly and Weekly planner organizer 2020, 12 month planner, 52 week diary, 8x10 inches, Floral mandala agenda /Calendar Views + Notes + to do lists for tired-ass women / men, Gift Id