- Echoes of Eagles: A Son, a Father and America's First Fighter Pilots
- In the Service of the Kaiser: Uniforms and Equipment of the World War I German Soldier
- The Hat in the Ring Gang: The Combat History of the 94th Aero Squadron in World War One (Schiffer Military History)
- German Uniforms, Insignia & Equipment 1918-1923: Freikorps, Reichswehr, Vehicles, Weapons
- First to the Front: The Aerial Adventures of 1st Lt. Waldo Heinrichs and the 95th Aero Squadron 1917-1918
- Mark Bliesener
- Robert Forrest Burgess
- Benjamin J. Shelak
- Ross Hassig
- Helmut Kropej
- Howard Hewer
- Leon Bennett
- Robert E. Merriam
- Brooke Meanley
- Jason Hanna
- Philip Currie
- Richard Shutler
- Rachel Vater
- Johannes Brøndsted
- Ann E. Dorbin
- Alasdair W.R. Whittle
- Ned Wicker
- Jon Nicholson
- Ida Walker
- Ralph Witlock