- Reflections on the fall of a great man. A sermon preached ... at Daventry ... on occasion of the death of ... Isaac Watts, ... with a sketch of his character, ... By Caleb Ashworth.
- A collection of tunes, part I. Consisting of psalm tunes, suited to the several metres commonly used in publick worship, set in four parts, and on the most easy keys The second edition.
- The principal rules of Hebrew grammar; compiled from some of the most considerable Hebrew grammars, and particularly adapted to Bythner's Lyra prophetica: with complete paradigms of the verbs.
- The Hebrew Grammar, with Principal Rules: Compiled from Some of the Most Considerable Hebrew Grammars, and Particularly Adapted to Bythner's Lyra Prophetica: Also, Complete Paradigms of the Verbs, and
- The Principal Rules of Hebrew Grammar; ... With Compleat Paradigms of the Verbs