- Strategies for Addressing Behavior Problems in the Classrooms (5th Edition)
- Strategies for Addressing Behavior Problems in the Classroom (6th Edition)
- Special Education and the Criminal Justice System
- Emerging School-Based Approaches for Children With Emotional and Behavioral Problems: Research and Practice in Service Integration
- Functional Behavioral Assessment: An Interactive Training Module : User's Manual and Facilitator's Guide
- Robert F. Mager
- Steven Zemelman
- Marsha Weil
- Bruce R. Joyce
- Stephen D. Brookfield
- George Watson
- Howard L. Millman
- Arthur Hyde
- Paul Bell
- Mary Margaret Kerr
- Jeffrey A. Cohen
- Katherine L. Hall
- Sydell Rabin
- Elaine A. Blechman
- Kenneth Shore
- Paul D. Cherulnik
- Carolyn M. Tucker
- Loretta J. Bradley
- Beth Robinson
- Elaine Jarchow