The Easter Ribbit
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We Scream for Ice Cream (School Friends)
Martin and the Tooth Fairy (School Friends, No 3)
Merry Christmas, What's Your Name (School Friends)
Bunny Runs Away (School Friends Series)
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Brenda's Private Swing (School Friends, No 4)
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Martin and the Teacher's Pets
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Where's That Spider (Brenner, Barbara. Hide and Seek Science.)
The Snowball War (School Friends)
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The Best Teacher In The World (School Friends, No 1)
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The Magic Fish Rap (Rap Tales)
Where's That Cat? (Hide & Seek Science Series)
Hide And Seek Science #02: Where's That Reptile? (Hide And Seek Science)
The Rough Gruff Goat Brothers Rap (Rap Tales)
I Help Daddy (Lift-the-Flap)
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Rapunzel (An Easy-to-read Folktale)
The Witch on a Windy Night
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Something Is Coming (Lift-the-Flap)
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Let's Trim the Tree (Lift-the-Flap)
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Come out Mouse (Lift-the-Flap)
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C Is for Circus
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THE MONKEYS AND THE WATER MONSTER and Two More Monkey Stories Retold by Bernice Chardiet pictures by Rainey Bennett
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Monkey Pop-Ups: A Book of Opposites (Picture Books)
The Carrot Top Mystery
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Juan Bobo and the Pig: A Puerto Rican Folktale Retold
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Where's That Bat (Brenner, Barbara. Hide and Seek Science.)
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