- Nouveaux Principes d'Artillerie, Commentes Par Leonard Euler
- A discourse concerning the nature and certainty of Sir Isaac Newton's Methods of fluxions, and of prime and ultimate ratios. By Benjamin Robins, F.R.S.
- Remarks on Mr. Euler's Treatise of Motion, Dr. Smith's Compleat System of Opticks, and Dr. Jurin's Essay Upon Distinct and Indistinct Vision. By Benjamin Robins, F.R.S
- A Voyage Round the World, in the Years 1740, 41, 42, 43, 44
- A Narrative of What Passed in the Common-hall of the Citizens of London, Assembled for the Election of a Lord-Mayor, on Saturday the 29th of ... the 1st, and on Tuesday the 2d of October