- The ophthalmic and cutaneous diagnosis of tuberculosis (The cutaneous and conjunctival tuberculin reactions according to V. Pirquet and Wolff-Eisner) ... early diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. ..
- Die Ophthalmo- Und Kutan-Diagnose Der Tuberkulose (Kutane Und Konjunktivale Tuberkulin-Reaktion Nach V. Pirquet Und Wolff-Eisner): Nebst Besprechung ... Der Lungen-Tuberkulose
- Handbuch der Serumtherapie, 1911
- Ophthalmic and Cutaneous Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
- The Ophthalmic and Cutaneous Diagnosis of Tuberculosis: (The Cutaneous and Conjunctival Tuberculin Reactions According to V. Pirquet and Wolff-Eisner) ... the Early Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis