- Massage & Exercises Combined: A Permanent Physical Culture Course for Men, Women and Children; Health-Giving, Vitalizing, Prophylactic, Beautifying; a ... Indian Yogis Concentration Exercises Combin
- Massage & Exercises Combined: A Permanent Physical Culture Course for Men, Women and Children; Health-Giving, Vitalizing, Prophylactic, Beautifying; A New System of the Characteristic Essentials of Gy
- Massage & Exercises Combined
- Massage & Exercises Combined; A permanent physical culture course for men, women and children; health-giving, vitalizing, prophylactic, beautifying; a new system of the characteristic essentials of gy
- Massage & Exercises Combined - A permanent physical culture course for men, women and children: health-giving, vitalizing, prophylactic, beautifying: ... 86 illustrations and deep breathing exercises